Mentalism for Hypnotherapists
By Rob De Groof
Basic Mentalism Skills, Easy to Learn
No expensive magic props needed
Use mentalism in talks, presentations, therapy room, parties…
Learn distributing your business information using mentalism
creator of The Swan
Rob de Groof’s ‘Mentalism for Hypnotherapists’ just has to be a winner for those interested in The Magical Arts.This book is very well written, showing any hypnotherapist who might want to add mentalism into their therapy rooms some of the finest mentalist procedures out there. Very easy to learn, with each move very well explained.
Rob is of course a highly skilled: hypnotist, magician and mentalist and this comes through in his writing. Excellent book. Get this... now!

Virgina Hypnosis, Work Smart Hypnosis
Mentalism for Hypnotherapists will learn you the basic skills of this wonderful aspect in the world
of magic: mentalism. Rob explains in an easy to understand way how you can create some asto-
nishing moments for your clients, your audience at a talk or info session, your friends and family
at a party or anybody else when just doing something out of the blue. The goal of this book is to
learn the basics and use the routines or create your own. Apart from the (hypnotic) routines Rob
describes, you will find contributions of renowned mentalists from all over the world. All good
friends of Rob who were happy to share one or more of their secrets to contribute to this book.

World’s Fastest Hypnotist
If you’ve ever seen mentalism performed, you have probably said to yourself, “I wish I could do that!” Unfortunately, the next thought that comes to your mind is, “But I’ll bet it’s nearly impossible to learn!” Well, it’s not – this is the book for you!
This is not just a dry text. As you read this book, you learn step-by-step how to perform these amazing feats of mind magic. The author even includes links to further explanations of the routines so that you can learn more background and tips on performing them properly.

creator of the Simpson Protocol
A great book, and I am so glad Rob has written this book. I am happy this book is here – and it’s true as Rob has proven over and over again Mentalism is a great tool to use in your practice to allay the ‘jitters’ of a client. And as he says now you can follow through when they ask – ‘What do you do?’ – ‘O I am a hypnotist’ you say, and they say ‘Yea? Show me something ‘ Now you have a whole book of something. Rob de Groof is a great Mentalist – but for me he is also a great Hypnotist and he blends the two so well and this book shows how to do that.

Virtual Gastric Band Pioneer
Rob De Groof is a name to be watched, and mentalism has a solid place in any hypnosis practice that is keen to deliver results.
I love this book.

Rapid ChangeWorks - Host Rapid Change Matters
Magic & Mentalism can create immediate and powerful client responses like no other. So when combined with hypnosis for change you become unstoppable! This book provides a clear doorway to getting started in combining these tools!